Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trying So Hard


Alhamdulillah,masih lagi mampu berpuasa dan bernyawa.Syukur kepdaNya.

Yesterday was a really a bad day for me. I slept more than 8 hours.Aku rasa cam teruk sangat semalam.Sakit hati yang amat sangat.Sakit bila diri ni dah cuba sehabis mungkin untuk someone tapi semua usaha tu macam debu je.Tak nampak dan sia-sia-sia.Sape tak panas kan? I get it,tak sihat.But that was not the excuse.I'm trying my best here but you don't see it?The idea of trying so hard was not a good idea.I'm totally depressed. Untill now,no reply.It's true i'm mad,really mad.But why do i still keep waiting from that person?Oh myyy,i'm in a big trouble.Seriously.WHY?

I feel bad.Am i the bad guy now? I should stop waiting and stop from trying to make a move.Stay where i am.I just wanna keep it this thing stronger.I thought you want the same thing.

Dear Lord,please..please..keep me strong.